Year 6 Transition Information

Information for Current Year 6s

June 2024- Chaplaincy welcome sessions- Dates to be arranged

These are short sessions created for students and their families who join us from primary schools which are not Catholic schools. The  aim is to welcome children and  families to our community and to give information about what it means to be part of our Catholic community. It also gives families a chance to ask questions in small groups.

Year 6 On Line Parents’ Evening – Monday 1st July 2024 5pm

This session  is for families of children who have secured a place at All Saints’ Catholic Academy for Year 7 in September 2024.

Information will be given about life at school, transition to year 7 and operational information about the two transition days in school.

Year 6 Transition days- Tuesday 2nd July and Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Children who have secured a place in Year 7 for September 2024 will be invited to spend two days with us. Information regarding this event will be sent to families and primary schools nearer to the time (times, equipment to bring etc). All children are expected to attend both days to get a taster of life at All Saints’ and enjoy activities whilst getting to know their new classmates.

Information for Current Year 5s

Year 5 day- Monday July 8th 2024

This event is for children who attend our Partner Primary Catholic schools and are currently in year 5. This event will be offered through your primary school and  details will be made available later in the year. It is an opportunity to visit the school, get involved in some activities and make some new friends.

Year 5 Open Evening Monday July 8th 2024  4-6pm

On Monday 8th July 4pm – 6pm we will be holding an open evening to welcome parents and students who are interested in applying for a place at All Saints’ Catholic Academy for September 2025. More details will be published about this event nearer the time via our website, Facebook page and through the primary schools.


I am sure we can all remember the feeling of the first day at Secondary School; unfamiliar names and faces, the ‘room to grow’ uniform, bags of shiny new stationary, timetables, bells and the endless maze of corridors and classrooms. The move from Primary School to Secondary School is a significant milestone in the life of a child and not one that we forget easily. It is a time for change, opportunity and independence, as well as a time for great excitement, anticipation and stomach gnawing nerves!

Whilst some children settle in the first couple of weeks of term, for others it will be a longer process. It is important to remember that we are all different and we cope with change in different ways. Those timid nervous children who we may expect to struggle can sail through the transition, whilst their seemingly more confident counterparts can be more resistant to change.

Moving up to Secondary School is not always easy or straightforward for children, or their parents, but there are things you can do to help smooth the transition from Primary to Secondary School.

Broadly speaking, transition is found to be smoother if a student becomes thoroughly involved in the school and if they are made to feel like they belong. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions I face when I work with children and their parents and carers. I hope you find the information useful.

Mrs Harris
Year 7 Progress Leader and Transition co-ordinator

Subjects in Year 7