Chaplaincy News

Bereavement Garden

We understand that times of loss are challenging for our young people and families.  We’re beginning to develop a new area, outside the chapel, where we can spend time with any young person/people who may have suffered a bereavement.  We’ll be planting remembrance poppies, forget-me-nots and sunflowers in this area and encouraging the young people to honour their lost loved ones in any way that helps them, in this area.  Sincere thanks to our friends at Rainworth Fencing who kindly installed and fitted some beautiful, natural benches in this special space, over the summer months.

If you or your child has suffered any kind of loss, or is preparing for or coping with bereavement in any way, please let us know, as our team and chaplains are here to offer support.

A range of useful resources to support you through these times, as families and as young people, can also be found at:

House Charity

This year each house has been fundraising for a charity they voted for at the start of the year. The charities include: the Emily Harris Foundation, CAFOD, Faith in Families, John Eastwood Hospice and Aid to the Church in Need.

Students organised many different fundraising activities that happened in school over the course of several weeks. Each house lived out the school motto of ‘We Shall Serve’ amazingly by serving the people in our community and in the world through the effort that was put into fundraising. This is what each house raised:

Industria: £285.79

Caritas: £350.13

Vocare: £263.47

Fortitudo: £158.55

Fidem: £397.33

Representatives from the various charities came into school to thank students and accept the house donations.

Trust Synod

On Thursday 19th October 2023, the Hub Chaplains, along with school staff, took students to the Trust Synod Event at the Alive Church in Lincoln.  It was an excellent opportunity to participate in the Synodal process, mirroring the discussions that Pope Francis and all of the clergy in Rome and around the world are partaking in at present.  Students from All Saints’ and all the schools in our De La Salle Hub were outstanding ambassadors, who spoke well in small groups, led and took part in liturgical prayer, and shared their voices in developing the vision of the Church.  Our thanks to all who prepared and took part in the day, which is hoped to become an annual event.

Chaplaincy Team Advent Act of Worship

The Chaplaincy Team led the school in their Advent Act of Worship, focusing on the promise of the coming of Christ in the words of the old Testament prophet Isaiah when he declared ‘come, oh come Emmanuel’. During the Act of Worship students reflected on the words of the Isaiah as they were read to them by Maks. There response to these words was framed by Gabriel and Oliver who asked each student to write a prayer or hope on their tag, which would be hung on the Jesse Tree in the chapel during Advent. The hanging on almost 1000 prayers and hopes took the Chaplaincy Team a couple of lunch times to complete, but it the Jesse Tree has been an ever present part of our celebration of Mass this Advent.

Shoe Boxes

Advent Fundraising

This Advent the year groups were divided into two, with half of the school collecting for and creating shoe boxes full of presents and gifts to be sent to children in Ukraine or those displaced in the war. Through the incredible generosity of the school community we were able to send over 50 shoe boxes to children who otherwise would have very little else to celebrate this Christmas. The other half of the school collected for a local foodbank with the school sending close to 40 bags worth of food and non-perishables to support those people and families in our local communities. Once again the generosity and giving which is present within the school community is incredible and a testament to way we support those in need both locally and internationally.

Shoe Boxes

New Altar Linen

With the start of a new year in the Church, the school has recently taken delivery of our new altar linen which celebrates the importance of our Catholic feeder schools as being very much a part of our school community at All Saints. When we celebrate Mass each week, we will be reminded that we celebrate not just as a school community, but as a wide and diverse faith community across many schools and many communities.


Year 11 Retreat Day

On Thursday 6th October Year 11 had their retreat day. The students were taken off timetable for the day and instead of their normal lessons they spent each period reflecting on the lives of each of the school’s house saints, namely; St Oscar Romero, St Mother Teresa, St Maximillian Kolbe and St Therese of Lisieux. The students created beautiful reflective pieces of artwork which are on display in the school’s reception. The day ended with a joyful celebration of Mass with Fr Marc.

Year 7 Welcome Mass

On Thursday 22nd September, we welcomed Fr John Kyne to celebrate mass with our new Year 7 students. Fr John talked our new students through the different parts of mass while celebrating and he was assisted by a group of students who volunteered to be altar server’s, readers and to take the offertory up. It was a beautiful mass to welcome the students into the next 5 years here at All Saints’ and the group of volunteers were shining examples to their peers.

CAFOD – World Gifts

Following the outstanding efforts of our students during Lent, we were able to raise over £1000 for CAFOD and each form was able to purchase a range of World Gifts. The gifts which will be distributed to families and communities who are supported by CAFOD included; thirteen goats, three vegetable gardens, five sets of chickens and one home for life.

Each form has received cards from CAFOD thanking them for their efforts and Ann Neale from CAFOD came into school last week to present Mr Sheehan with a certificate from CAFOD recognising the fundraising efforts of the school.