Careers IAG

The destinations data for our students shows the vast majority of students continue within education following degree level study. Whatever the students aspirations are, we are able to support our students follow their chosen career path. We have a strong history of supporting successful applications to Oxford and Cambridge University, Russell Group Universities and Apprenticeships. Students will engage in a variety of Higher Education Events and support sessions working with universities which we have strong and established links with.

Work Experience

Year 12 Work Experience is on Monday 19 May – Friday 23 May 2025

Work experience is time spent in a workplace learning about  a job role, a company or a career sector. At All Saints’ we support you in gaining work experience throughout Y12 and Y13 as we know this can help you stand out from the competition when applying to university, apprenticeships or jobs.

Below are a number of websites where you can find a variety of work experience placements, online or face to face. Don’t forget you can also contact companies directly to arrange a work placement.  (STEM)

NHS Work experience:

All NHS work experience placements will be advertised here: Work Experience – CARE4Notts. Keep checking this website for updates.

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and Nottingham CityCare Partnership are not offering any work experience in 2021 and they will review the situation in April 2022.

Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust are offering a very limited number of placements via the CARE4Notts website:

Please note that all work experience applicants will be required to take a lateral flow test before and during their placement, wear a mask, social distance and wash their hands on a regular basis.

 At Sherwood Forest Hospitals it is mandatory for all work experience applicants to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 to protect themselves, patients and staff. Applicants will also be required to take a spare set of clean clothes with them on placement so that they can change into their clean clothes before leaving the hospital each day.

At Nottingham University Hospitals full vaccination is encouraged but it is not mandatory.