Our Staff

Senior Leadership Team (SLT)

I qualified as a MFL teacher in September 1995.
I used to teach French and Italian, although I have taught PE, RE, Business Studies and other vocational qualifications too.
I have been associated with All Saints’ since 2018 and as HT since September 2020.
My role is extremely multi-faceted and includes all aspects of school life.

My name is Mrs Johnson and I am the Deputy Head Teacher at All Saints’. I have been part of the All Saints’ community since 2010 and I absolutely adore working here. When I first started working at the school, I was an English teacher; since then, I have been the Curriculum Leader for English and an Assistant Head Teacher for Data and Vulnerable groups. I continue to teach, generally Key Stage Four and Key Stage Five- English Literature lessons; these are often the highlights of my week. I am the senior line manager for several departments, including, English, RE, History, Geography, Art, Technology, Performing Arts and Social Sciences as well as overseeing the data and exams within the school. The most significant part of my job is focussed on the curriculum, both its design and its delivery; I am absolutely committed to ensuring that  All Saints’ pupils have an ambitious and challenging academic diet, so every child, if they wish to attend university, can access the very best institutions and tell people, with pride, that All Saints’ helped shape the people they have become. The other significant part of my job is to ensure the school has quality assurance processes in place which mean we can keep standards high and this entails organising internal levels of  scrutiny and being ready for external scrutiny through the DCI and Ofsted visits. Critically, my job is to support our Head Teacher in whatever capacity best supports the needs to the whole community and in his absence, ensure the safe and smooth running of the school.
I am deeply committed to All Saints’; it is a privilege to be a leader here because the Catholic life, staff body and, most importantly, students and their families, are a joy to serve and support.

I joined All Saints’ Catholic Academy at the start of my teaching career in 2006, as a teacher of PE. It has been a privilege to spend my teaching career at All Saints, during my time here I can completed a variety of roles including Assistant Curriculum Leader in PE, and Head of Year, before being appointed as Assistant Head teacher responsible for Post 16 at All Saints’ Catholic Academy in 2011. It has been an honour to complete this role over a number of years and support our students in achieving their potential within the Sixth Form and progress on to a variety of destinations with the vast majority of our student’s year on year securing University places.

My role in school is Assistant Head Teacher, responsible for Teaching and Learning. I have taught Geography at All Saints’ for 15 years and have previously held a number of roles including Advanced Skills Teacher, Assistant Head Teacher with responsibilities for both Vulnerable Groups and Behaviour and Attitudes. I am also the Designated Safeguarding Lead for the school. I take a lead on staff CPD development and the induction programme for NQT’s and those doing teacher training. I am Senior Line Manager for Maths, Science, MFL, PE, Computing, Business and Law and Literacy and I also co-ordinate the work of the Lead Practitioners within school.

I started at All Saints’ in 2003 as a Newly Qualified Teacher and I have been here ever since! The University of Nottingham, where I trained to be a teacher, said that teachers should move schools every few years but with such great staff and students, I knew I wanted to stay.I have had many roles during my time at All Saints’ including French and German teacher, Head of Year 7, Curriculum Leader for Modern Foreign Languages, being in charge of Teaching and Learning and now my role is Assistant Head Teacher in charge of Behaviour and Attitudes. This involves monitoring student behaviour, attendance and rewards.

I have been working in education since the age of 27, when I qualified as a secondary PE teacher, working within Nottingham City and Chesterfield schools. I moved to All Saints’ in 2010 as Assistant and then Curriculum Leader for Physical Education. My role as Assistant Head teacher for Personal Development, entails the support of students social, spiritual, moral and cultural growth. The RSE and PSCHE provision, enrichment programme, Pupil Premium spending plan and Mental Health and Wellbeing, of both students and staff, falls under my remit.

I joined All Saints’ in 2011 after working in a Leicester city school for a number of years.  I am a history specialist and have been curriculum leader in All Saints and my previous school.  At All Saints’ I discovered a passion for delivering A Level and working with sixth from students.  This led me to become the Assistant Head of Sixth Form in 2020 and I now job share as an Assistant Head with responsibility for Post 16.

Teaching Staff

Mrs S HarrisYear 7 (Year 6 Primary transition)
Mr C HallYear 8
Mrs J WebleyYear 9
Mr A CollinsYear 10
Mr R GoodwinYear 11
Miss C DowdallYear 7
Miss G JanesYear 8
Mr O ThompsonYear 9
Mr G CurtisYear 10
Mr L WhartonYear 11
Mr G RowlandsCurriculum Leader
Mrs K EarlKS3 Coordinator
Mrs P MokesReligious Education Teacher
Miss H BowlerReligious Education Teacher
Miss C BeardsReligious Education Teacher
Mrs D Davis-LeighCurriculum Leader
Mrs B ElliottAssistant Curriculum Leader
Mrs L JohnsonEnglish Teacher
Miss S GraingerAssistant Curriculum Leader
Mrs S EvansEnglish Teacher
Mrs L LathallEnglish Teacher and Literacy co-ordinator
Mrs E CliffordAssistant Curriculum Leader
Miss H DunstanEnglish Teacher
Mrs R ElgeniaEnglish Teacher
Miss J HarveyEnglish Teacher
Mr S WanCurriculum Leader
Mrs J SmithAssistant Curriculum Leader
Mr C WilsonAssistant Curriculum Leader
Mrs A PainterMathematics Teacher
Miss M CoughtreyMathematics Teacher
Mrs A EganMathematics Teacher
Mr D MunningsCurriculum Leader
Mrs A ParkinMathematics Teacher
Miss L ParkerMathematics Teacher
Mrs B DennisCurriculum Leader
Ms J MellorsAssistant Curriculum Leader
Mrs N KildayModern Languages Teacher
Mrs E GuestModern Languages Teacher
Mrs K MackieModern Languages Teacher
Miss J SpibyCurriculum Leader
Mr C HutchinsonGeography Teacher
Miss C DowdallGeography Teacher
Miss G JanesGeography Teacher
Miss O VarneyCurriculum Leader
Mrs A WainHistory Teacher
Miss L SimsHistory Teacher
Miss N PrestonCurriculum Leader
Miss P ColleyPsychology Teacher
Mrs L WaumsleySociology Teacher
Mr S GrowcottCurriculum Leader
Mrs L StaceyAssistant Curriculum Leader
Mr C HallScience Teacher
Miss M TaylorScience Teacher
Mr D SitimaAssistant Curriculum Leader
Mr M ArnoldScience Teacher
Miss L McIverScience Teacher
Miss P ColleyScience Teacher
Mr A GillottAssistant Curriculum Leader
Curriculum Leader
Mrs H BentleyDrama Teacher
Mrs C NovellDrama Teacher
Mr M WaltonCurriculum Leader
Miss C HuntAssistant Curriculum Leader
Mrs H KempinCurriculum Leader
Mr L WhartonBusiness Teacher
Mr K GrewalLaw Teacher
Miss C CoupeCurriculum Leader
Mr A Hobson Technology Teacher
Mrs C FearrickTechnology Teacher
Mrs M Merrington-IngleyCurriculum Leader
Mrs S HarrisArt Teacher and Y7 YPL
Miss D HumphreysCurriculum Leader
Miss R DaviePhysical Education Teacher
Miss H FlintPhysical Education Teacher
Mr G CurtisPhysical Education Teacher
Mr R GoodwinPhysical Education Teacher and Y9 YPL
Mr O ThompsonPhysical Education Teacher
Mr N WardPhysical Education Teacher
Mrs D BamfordHead of Department and SENCO
Mrs S MeadowcroftSenior Teaching Assistant
Mrs C CookeTeaching Assistant
Mr M HarwoodTeaching Assistant
Mr D HopwoodTeaching Assistant
Mrs M JarvisTeaching Assistant
Mrs L BoothTeaching Assistant
Mrs J RathboneTeaching Assistant
Mrs E NaylorLearning Support Assistant
Mrs N RichardsonLearning Support Assistant
Fr J KyneChaplain
Ms C LundHub Chaplain
Mr L PotterHub Chaplain

Support Staff

Mrs L ScottHead Teacher’s PA
Mrs J Ellis-LaycockOffice Manager, Lead Admissions, Complaints Co-Ord. and GDPR Lead
Miss L NahalAssistant to Head of 6th Form and Student Services Manager
Mrs S Woolley6th Form Administrator
Mrs J GreenawayFirst Aider and Administrator
Mrs G CaseReceptionist
Mrs S RossReceptionist
Mrs A FisherReceptionist
Miss L StoppardReceptionist
Mrs G DruryFinance Assistant
Miss F HuntAdministrator/6th Form
Mrs S CornerBehaviour and Safeguarding Manager
Mrs J ThompsonBehaviour Management Support
Mrs A NotherAttendance Clerk
Mrs P GambleEducational Welfare Officer
Mrs E GrahamData Manager
Miss A OldhamExaminations Officer
Mrs E StoppardSenior Departmental Administrator
Mrs C WarrinerJPC Manager
Mrs E MillwardIndependent Study Room Co-ordinator
Mrs G CandlinDepartmental Assistant
Mrs H HibbertDepartmental Assistant
Mrs H DwanStudent Well-being Co-ordinator
Mrs C CoopeLibrarian
Mr A CollinsKS4 Learning Mentor and Y 8 Progress Leader
Mrs J WebleyCover Manager
Mr N WardCover Supervisor
Mr A KittCover Supervisor
Mr T TysoeCover Supervisor
Miss O WhittakerCover Supervisor
Mr M EmsonSenior ICT Technician
Mr D RichardsonICT Technician
Mr S LongResource Centre Manager and Duke of Edinburgh Awards Manager
Mr M RenshawDesign and Technology Technician
Mrs J WebbSenior Science Technician
Mr N BrownScience Technician
Mr S EverestSite Manager
Mr M StoppardSite Technician
Mr S BoothSite Technician
Mr D SwinbankSite Technician
Mr K CoopeKitchen Supervisor (Aspens)
Mrs W BrandhamMidday Supervisor
Mrs M MooreMidday Supervisor