Work Experience and Mock Interviews

Work experience

Work experience is time spent in a workplace learning about a job role, a company or a career sector. At All Saints’ we support you in gaining work experience during Year 10 as we know it can be one of the most transformational experiences young people have during their education and can help you stand out from the competition when applying to sixth form, university, apprenticeships or jobs.

Year 10 will be taking part in work experience from Monday 22nd July – Friday 26th July 2024. We will support students in finding a placement through PSCHE, however students can start to explore companies outside of school by talking to family and friends to gain an understanding of what jobs are available and looking online at local companies.

We are using our new careers platform Unifrog (, which students have accessed during PSCHE lessons this week. This will manage the administration of the work experience programme. The process for work experience will be as follows:

Step 1:         Student contacts employers of interest via email
Step 2:         Employer replies to student and confirms they accept student for work experience
Step 3:         Student adds placement information on their Unifrog account (they will find the ‘Placements’ tool on their Unifrog homepage).
Step 4:         The Unifrog system will then email the employer who will complete the form and provide us with their employer’s liability insurance and risk assessments
Step 5:         The Unifrog system will then email the parent/carer to obtain permission for this placement to go ahead – as parent/carer you will need to log into Unifrog to agree this before the placement can continue
Step 6:         The application will then be sent to school so we can do the final authorisation – if there are any issues with the application your child will be informed

Helpful guidance for Unifrog:

  1. Unifrog have created a set of guides about placements which you can find here.
  2. Within this set of guides, this is the best one to start with (it includes a short animation of how the whole process works).
  3. As next steps, we recommend looking atthis one, because it includes advice on how to find a placement.

If you have any questions regarding Year 10 Work Experience, please email Miss Nahal

Mock Interviews

Mock Interviews are an opportunity for students to practise their interview technique with industry professionals. This year we will be hosting Mock Interviews on Tuesday 26th March 2024, students will attend a formal 1-1 interview with an employer and be competing for a fictitious job. Students will get feedback after the interview on what went well and how they can improve.

In preparation for the interview, students will apply for a fictitious job, plan and prepare for standard interview questions and practise answering questions with peers.

Last year we had interviewers from the NHS, Nottinghamshire Police, R&D Engineering and more. You can see some photos from the day below.

If you would like to volunteer as an interviewer, or have any questions about Mock Interviews please contact Miss Nahal: