Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

The purpose of Pupil premium (as outlined by the Department for Education – Pupil premium – https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/pupil-premium/pupil-premium  is funding to improve education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils in schools in England. Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other pupils.
For each pupil who is eligible for free school meals, their school receives £1,455 (if a primary school) or £1035 (if a secondary school).

Schools will receive £2,345 for any pupil identified as having left local authority care, as a result of:

*   adoption
*   a special guardianship order
*   a child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order)
*   who has been in local authority care for 1 day or more
*   recorded as both eligible for FSM in the last 6 years and as being looked after (or as having left local authority care)

The DfE allow the use of pupil premium funding to be directed by school leaders as they are best placed to assess their pupils’ needs and use the funding to improve attainment, drawing on evidence of effective practice.
At All Saints’ we follow the evidence that suggests that pupil premium spending is most effective when schools use a tiered approach, targeting spending across 3 areas, with a particular focus on teaching.
1. High Quality Teaching
Investing in high-quality teaching, for example:
·        training and professional development for teachers
·        recruitment and retention
·        support for teachers early in their careers
2. Targeted academic support
Additional support for some pupils focussed on their specific needs, for example:
·        one-to-one tuition
·        small group tuition
·        speech and language therapy
3. Wider strategies
Support for non-academic issues that impact success in school, such as attendance, behaviour and social and emotional challenges. For example:
·        school breakfast clubs
·        counselling to support emotional health and wellbeing
·        help with the cost of educational trips or visits

2024-2025 Pupil Premium strategy
Whilst there has been some positive impact of the 2023-2024 plan, the progress and outcomes for these students from their starting points is one of the main focuses for the academy.

The key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils are summarised below.

  1. In some areas Pupils identified as ‘Pupil Premium’ do not make the same progress as those identified as ‘Non-Pupil Premium’.
  2. Some students find it difficult to develop and apply knowledge within normal classroom settings, linked to low literacy and numeracy skills.
  3. Some students have a lack of equipment and resources to engage in learning, including technology such as laptops and Scientific calculators.
  4. Some students’ have low aspirations and do not access in school opportunties to develop their cultural capital.
  5. Attendance rates for pupils identified as ‘Pupil Premium’ are lower than those identified as ‘Non-Pupil Premium’.
  6. Some students have behavioural, emotional, social and mental difficulties.
  7. Parental engagement can be lacking or mis-guided, therefore students are not fully supported in all academic and social development of their child.

Our mission is ‘Through Catholic values and principles, every person at All Saints’ will achieve their full potential: spiritually, academically, socially, morally and physically.’
Through our high expectations to maintain the quality of teaching and learning we expect to further improve the outcomes of all the students at All Saints’, demonstrated through our headline figures.
We aim to support all students and overcome individual barriers to allow all to succeed. As a result, the correct systems, processes, and initiatives are in place. Time is now needed to embed and show their full impact on student’s progress at both Key Stages.
The detailed plan of how this funding had been allocated can be found below:

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025

Spending plans from 2023-2024, 2022-2023, 2021-2022 and 2020-2021 can be found below:

Spending Plan 2020-2021

Spending Plan 2021-2022

Spending Plan 2022-2023

Spending Plan 2023-2024

Additional Funding

Additional school funding could be available for your child to help support their education. If your child is in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 or 11 and meets any of the criteria below, please help us to maximise the funding school receives.

Children eligible for free school meals

If your child is currently eligible for free school meals or has been eligible in the last 6 years the school will receive pupil premium funding.

An increasing number of students are eligible for free school meals due to a low family income and if you think this may apply to you it’s worth checking on the Derbyshire County Council Website as they administer our free school meal applications. If a student is entitled to free school meals then their account is automatically credited each day with sufficient funds to purchase a main meal of the day, a pudding and a drink. To submit an application please complete Derbyshire County Council’s online form – FSM Application Form.

If you think you are likely to qualify but have chosen not to apply for free school meals, please consider applying. You do not have to take up the free school meal to attract the funding for your child’s school.

Children that are adopted from care or leave care under a special guardianship order or a child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order)

Schools can receive pupil premium funding for pupils who were looked after by a local authority or other state care immediately before being adopted, or who left local authority or other state care on a special guardianship order or child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order). This includes pupils who have been adopted from state care or equivalent from outside England and Wales.

If you would like to us to claim this extra funding to support your child in school, please contact school and provide supporting evidence, for example, the original Adoption (Court) Order.

Children with parents or carers in the armed forces

Schools receive pupil premium funding to support children and young people with parents or carers in the armed forces. Pupils attract the funding if they meet the following criteria:

  • one of their parents/carers is serving in the regular armed forces (including pupils with a parent who is on full commitment as part of the full time reserve). This includes pupils with a parent who is in the armed forces of another nation and is stationed in England
  • one of their parents/carers served in the regular armed forces in the last 6 years
  • one of their parents/carers died whilst serving in the armed forces and the pupil receives a pension under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) or the War Pensions Scheme (WPS).

If your child meets one of the above criteria, please let us know as this will enable us to claim the additional funding.

Thank you in anticipation of your support