In order to support both our students and their parents/ carers’ understanding of the assessment structures at All Saints’, Curriculum Leaders have worked together to produce assessment maps for each year group. The maps, which are linked to each year group, demonstrate how students will be assessed throughout each stage of their academic journey and detail the knowledge and skills students will need to apply at different points of their academic courses.
We hope that you find this information helpful; All Saints’ Parent Forum suggested we provide further information to Parents/ Carers so they might have a more detailed understanding of the assessments which will lead to marked feedback from the teachers at All Saints’ and the different components which contribute towards each student’s achieved grade at the different data points across the academic year.
Parents and Carers of students in Years 10 and 11 might find these documents particularly helpful as some of our practical subjects have also detailed important deadline dates.
Finally, we hope that you find the information useful in demonstrating how assessments become more challenging as the academic journey continues from year to year and this is to support our students in preparing for the final GCSEs. The documents may offer some clarity about why certain points in the academic year are busier than others for your child, in terms of revision and exam preparation. The documents will also act as a guide for parents and carers in terms of the marked assessments you can expect to see in your child’s exercise book or portfolio, where appropriate.
Important Assessment Dates
Year 9 Exam Week: 13th May 2024
Year 10 Exam Week: 22nd April 2024
Year 11 Advent Mocks : 7th November 2023
Year 11 Lenten Mocks: 21st February 2024
Year 11 GCSEs: 13th May 2024