At All Saints’ the Key Stage 4 Curriculum consists of the Core Subjects which everyone studies.
These are English, Mathematics, Religious Studies, Science, Physical Education and PSHE which contains modules on Careers Education and Citizenship, the latter being covered in form tutor time.
In addition to these, students will choose a number of subjects to study. Students have different learning profiles and by choosing the right subjects for their learning profile, they are more likely to enjoy their studies and to be successful.
The learning profiles lead to exam routes, which are arrived at using the students’ combination of KS2 test scores, attitude to learning and current attainment and progress.
Students will be given the opportunity to discuss their options with their subject teachers and should be given the opportunity to speak to parents or guardians about such important decisions.
Whatever choice students do make, we will ensure that the curriculum provided will enable them to:
- Plan their progression through school and prepare themselves for lifelong learning
- Take a lead in their own learning and motivate themselves
- Develop spiritually, morally, emotionally, academically and physically
- Think creatively and solve problems
- Communicate effectively in different situations
- Have respect for themselves and have tolerance of others
- Understand the world they live in and the richness it provides
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle and develop their physical skills
- Become an active citizen and valuable member of the communityY8 In To 9 Options Book 2024