Philosophy And Ethics

Y11 Transition Into Y12 Phil & Eth

Bridging Task For Y12 Phil & Eth

Subject: Philosophy & Ethics
Research, Reading and a Written task
Why is this required for September?
This will give you an insight into the views we will be discussing and theories. The written task will be used within the 1st full week as an introduction to Philosophy and Ethics
What Assessment/Feedback should you expect?
The written task will be dissected with your Phil & Ethics teacher. Examples of written task may be shown under the visualiser for discussion of ideas.
Time this task (s) should take:
 The research and preparation for this should take 5-10 hours, as it requires reading and research. The writing up of your answer should take no more than 2 hours.
Suggested links or other resources to support:
This is included within the pack provided
Optional Extra tasks:
Additional research and reading suggestions
How will this link to independent study tasks in September?
All the topic areas included in this research task are directly linked to themes studied in the 3 components of the course; Philosophy, Ethics, and Christianity.