Dear Parents and Carers
The Year 7 Progress Evening for Parents will take place on Thursday 7th March from 16.30pm until 19.30pm; this will be conducted via video appointments. It is a wonderful opportunity to speak to your child’s teachers about the progress your child is making.
You will be able to book appointments from 26th February at 9:00 am.
Please note that in certain subject areas (Art, ICT, PA and PE) the number of students being taught is far greater than the number of teacher appointments available.
We are using a piece of software provided through School Cloud and you can access the booking system through the following link:
Using the School Cloud Website
Parents and Carers, with School Cloud access, are those individuals who will have listed as Priority One and Two contacts on the admission form at the beginning of the academic year. It will be parents and guardians who have parental responsibility and that includes those with a court order in place. It is important that both first and surname, and your child’s name and date of birth is inputted in the same way that it is on the school system. If you are struggling to login, it may be because you are not listed as a Priority One or Two contact, do not have parental responsibility including a court order, or because there is spelling or numerical error on our system. In any of these cases, please contact, Mrs Scott with the nature of the problem: By having both Priority One and Two contacts, it means that parents/ carers, who may live separately, can both be involved in finding out about their child’s progress.
At login, you will be asked for an email address; this is not authenticated with the email address that you listed on your child’s admission form at the start of the year; it is merely for School Cloud to send a confirmation email to you when you have successfully booked and saved your appointments.
The instructions at the end of the letter outline how to access the website in order to book appointments. Then, on the evening of your appointments, you will simply need to login using the same link and follow the onscreen instructions to begin the appointments you have booked.
There will a button stating: Join Video Appointments which you should press.
There is nothing to install as the video appointments run through the School Cloud website and it is compatible with the following web browsers:
• iPhone/iPad: Safari • Android: Chrome or Firefox
• Windows: Chrome, Firefox, or Edge (latest version only)
• Mac: Safari, Chrome, or Firefox
The minimum requirement for this software to work is an audio connection.
The appointments will be four minutes long. There will be a countdown. The appointment cannot be extended; when the countdown gets to zero, the software automatically stops the call. The appointment begins at the allotted time of booking; therefore, if you are late, you can join within the remaining time of the six minutes, however, the appointment cannot be extended. If the appointment is missed, there is no way to rearrange this.
You will see a schedule for the timing of the appointments along with the teacher’s name and there will be a large square which states Start Appointment; in order to begin the appointment, you have to press this. The video appointment will begin when the teacher also presses this.
Once a call has finished, the schedule will update and then the next call will need to be initiated. There is no need to sign in or out.
Then at the end of all scheduled appointments, a confirmation button indicating that the appointments have finished will show and prompt you to sign out.
Further Guides can be found at School Cloud- link here
Whilst we are hopeful that all technical elements have been considered, there may be some technical issues. We ask you for your patience during this time. Any queries regarding using the software should be directed to our ICT Support Office:
Yours Faithfully
Mrs L Johnson
Deputy Head Teacher