Year 11 Progress Evening

Dear Parent/ Carer,

On Tuesday 10th January 2023, the school will host the Year 11 Progress Evening from 16:00 pm until 19:15 pm.  In recent years, the school has hosted Progress Evenings on the online platform School Cloud, however, given the importance of this final GCSE examination year, the school has decided to welcome parents onto site for face to face progress meetings and therefore, for Year 11’s Progress Evening, we will not be using the online platform.

On Tuesday 13th December, your child will receive an appointment booking page which they will take to each of their lessons and book appointments on your behalf. If your child is absent or you are concerned that appointments may not be made on your behalf, please contact your child’s Year Progress Leader, Ms J Webley ( and she will liaise with the relevant subject staff.

Given the interruption to exams in recent years, and the fact that this year’s cohort will have fewer exam adaptions than previous years, we want to ensure that parents and students are fully informed about the level of work and the routines required over the coming months in order for our Year 11 students to perform to the best of their ability in the summer examination series.

We look forward to welcoming all of our Year 11 parents back into school for this important event.

Kind Regards,

Mrs L Johnson
Deputy Head Teacher.