Welcome Back

Dear Parents and carers,
Welcome back to the new Academic year 2023/2024. As we are now a week into the new term, I wanted to write to you in order to share some important information regarding school life here at All Saints’. You will notice as you read the letter that there are a number of different sections and topics which have been included into one document which I hope you will find easier to read and digest. Please may I remind you that a parent bulletin is sent out to you every week which is also a very useful source of information.
In terms of the vitally important Catholic Life here at All Saints’, I am delighted to inform you that we have two new Chaplains that will be working with us this year. Luke Potter and Clare Lund were recently appointed and both colleagues have a longstanding connection and history with All Saints’. Both Luke and Clare attended All Saints’ as students and you may also be aware that Clare was a teacher at St Patrick’s, one of our Partner Primary Schools. Both of our Chaplains have some new and exciting ideas as to how to further inspire our children both spiritually and morally.
Over the summer, a small amount of building work took place including the installation of a new Science block roof. Our site team have worked extremely hard decorating many internal areas of the School too and I am sure that the students will notice a much brighter environment in many internal areas.
A letter regarding our student uniform expectations was sent to you in July however, may I remind you that the current school uniform policy is as follows:
As mentioned, All Saints’ sets the highest standards for our community and an integral part of this is student uniform and appearance. We feel it is vital that students look smart and ready to learn. Visitors to our school regularly comment on how exemplary our students look in their uniform and this helps hold our students in high esteem in the local community.
The uniform policy remains in place, but there are some updates to the policy that we would like to draw your attention to:
• Black school trousers should be full length, with dark socks (no trainer socks).
• No rings, bracelets or necklaces are allowed.
• A Crucifix or Cross can be worn under the shirt. The Crucifix / Cross should be no more than 2cm in length and on a fine chain.
Secondly, we would like to reiterate the expectations regarding the days when students arrive in PE uniform. Students should ensure that the PE uniform is worn as smartly as the full school uniform. Students are still representing All Saints’ when wearing this attire. This includes:
• Black tracksuit bottoms or leggings (not jogging bottom material).
• The tracksuit bottoms/leggings must be plain. (No different colours / no patterns / no stripes / no mesh or vent panels in leggings. Only one small logo no wider than 5cm).
• Black hoodie with the school logo.
• Students are able to wear knee length cycling shorts or loose shorts for PE lessons, however they must wear leggings and track suit bottoms over the top when in class and around school.
“Leaders have high expectations of all. Pupils, including Sixth Form students, respond well to this
challenge. They are determined to succeed.”
We would also welcome any uniform that no longer fits being handed in to reception for our second-hand provision. This will allow us to support families facing financial difficulties.
Please note that students must not be dropped off at school before 8.15am as there will be no staff to supervise them. Breakfast is available from 8.15am every morning from the canteen for a small charge.
Payment/ID cards – please remind your child to bring in their payment card each day to avoid delays in the canteen. Students must have these cards ready when queuing to purchase food and we recommend they keep them in their school bags rather than in their blazer pocket to avoid forgetting them on PE days. If your child has lost or damaged their card then they must go to the IT office asap to get a replacement one for £1.
On the school’s website, you will find information on a variety of topics (as mentioned), ranging from school uniform to attendance. In addition, there is the Behaviour for Learning Policy and one change this academic year is the introduction of a separate Mobile Phone and Smart Technology Policy. We firmly believe that a policy preventing the use of mobile phones and smart technology is the best way for All Saints’ Catholic Academy to eliminate the disruption that mobile phones and smart technology can cause. For students in Year 11 or below mobile phones should not be used, seen or heard at any point, anywhere on the school site. Taking feedback on board from students and parents/carers, we have created a graduated response to mobile phones which are seen or heard in school. The policy takes into account the different scenarios which could occur and students have been told about these changes in assemblies. For full information please see the policy section of the school website. Wellbeing – We will be sharing tips to support both your own and young people’s mental health and wellbeing throughout this academic year. Please remember that the link on our website is: Wellbeing – All Saints’ Catholic Voluntary Academy – Mansfield. In addition, if you have any questions or specific concerns regarding your child’s wellbeing then please email the address: wellbeing@allsaints.notts.sch.uk. Careers update – Each week we will share information regarding various aspects of our careers provision, through the parent bulletin. This year we continue to work with Progress Careers (Home | All Saints (progress-education.org.uk) and also Unifrog – The Universal destinations platform, (Unifrog – The universal destinations platform.). You can also visit our school website: Careers – All Saints’ Catholic Voluntary Academy – Mansfield. Finally, I thought that it was important for us to share the many examination successes over the summer. Students both at GCSE and A’level performed extremely well, exceeding not only our expectations but in every key area achieving stronger results than 2019. Three students have secured a place at Cambridge University and GCSE students exceeded the National averages in all key measures. We must remember that this cohort of students suffered from a huge amount of disruption during the terrible Covid Pandemic and the Government decided that 2023 examinations would return to pre-pandemic expectations and regulations. We are enormously proud of their efforts and achievements! I think it’s also important to recognise the enormous hard work, determination and unrelenting commitment demonstrated to these young people by our teaching and support staff. I know that many of my colleagues were delighted by the results achieved this summer.
We will soon be preparing for Advent where we will open our hearts and minds to celebrate this most wonderful season in the Liturgical calendar. Thank you once again for your continuous support.
My very best wishes to you all.

Yours sincerely,

Carlo Cuomo
Head Teacher