The Prince of Egypt

The Thursday before we split for the autumn half term the RE department organised a unique opportunity to go and watch the extremely successful musical ‘The Prince of Egypt’ as it was being live streamed from London’s west end to numerous independent cinemas up and down the country.

There were 50 tickets up for grabs and all went within 12 hours of school releasing them!

The students study the story of Moses for their GCSE so this was a unique opportunity not only for their studies but also as an enrichment opportunity.

Mrs Nattriss organised the event and was accompanied by Miss Earl, Miss Bowler and Mrs Smith as well as 50 Y9-Y11s.

The behaviour of the students was exceptional and every member of staff in attendance had members of public approach them to state how polite the students were and includes that they were brilliant ambassadors for the school – all 4 teachers could not have been prouder. Especially as it was such a long day with them not returning to school until 10.30pm.

The students that went all enjoyed the opportunity and all felt they had a far greater understanding now of the story of Moses which is what we set out to achieve.