Dear Parents/Carers,
You may already be aware that the next teachers’ strike action is due to take place on Thursday 27th April.
Due to a shortage of teachers working on that day, unfortunately we are not in a position to allow all Year groups to attend All Saints’. Based on the compliment of staff available, students in Years 8, 9 and 10 will remain at home for that day only. All other year groups should attend as per usual in full PE uniform.
Additionally, students in Year 7 should bring in their All Saints’ Absolutes from last term and from this term, along with their normal equipment and books. Year 7 children must also bring in a reading book and Year 11 should bring in their revision materials, including revision guides.
The timings of the school day will operate as per usual and students will be able to access the catering facilities before school and at both break and lunchtime, school buses will also run as usual. If your child is ill on that particular day, please notify school as soon as possible using the normal methods so that all periods of absence can be accurately recorded and monitored.
I will be sending out a separate letter to parents and carers of Years 8, 9 and 10 students who are key workers as they will be allowed to attend school. Furthermore, another letter will be sent to the parents and carers of who we deem to be vulnerable as they should also attend.
For those children not attending school on 27th April, they must access the following resources: There are a series of videos which go through independent learning activities and these should be used to guide the production of revision resources based on the All Saints’ Absolutes that each student has received. Please note that planned support sessions for Year 11 will not take place on that day.
Of course, school will resume in full operation on Friday 28th April. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
Yours sincerely,
C. Cuomo
Head Teacher