During this half-term break, I wanted to write to you in order to share some important information regarding school life here at All Saints’. You will notice as you read the letter that there are a number of different sections and topics which have been included into one document which I hope you will find easier to read and digest. Please may I remind you that a parent bulletin is sent out to you every week which is also a very useful source of information.
In terms of the vitally important Catholic Life here at All Saints’, I am delighted to inform you that Luke Potter and Clare Lund have very much settled into their new role as the School’s Chaplains. So many activities and events have taken place during the first half of the Advent term which truly celebrate our strong Catholic identity and ethos. Clare and Luke work in close liaison with myself and other Senior Leaders to support with the following; fund-raising (Macmillan Coffee morning and Harvest Festival), Liturgical prayers, Masses, the Year 9 Retreat day, participation at the Synod event in Lincoln and our celebration of Mass for the whole cohort of Year 7 students. We are extremely grateful for their hard work and commitment!
May I remind you that the School is in the process of recruiting a new Parent Governor to our Local Governing Body. You will be informed and updated of the outcome of the election process after the half-term break.
As you know the Health and Safety of your child is of paramount importance to us all here at All Saints’. Unfortunately, I remain extremely concerned by the parking habits of some parents who continually park opposite the front entrance of the school or extremely near to the front school gates. Furthermore, some parents use the front of school as a turning circle or choose to enter the school site to pick up their child. There are a small number of parents who have permission to enter the school site, however we have a large number of school buses that access the grounds to pick up and drop off children which is why we cannot allow parents and carers to arbitrarily enter the school site. May I ask for your cooperation to drive and park safely and thoughtfully near the school grounds.
During the last two weeks, all members of the Senior Leadership Team and the Sixth Form Pastoral Team have carried out Sixth Form interviews for our Year 11 students. We have received a large number of applications this year, however if your child is considering post-16 studies in the All Saints’ Sixth Form and has not applied, please remind them to complete an application form which is available via the school’s website. Equally, if your son/daughter has any questions about life in the Sixth Form, please encourage them to speak to their Form Tutor who will direct them to the appropriate colleagues.
Aspens provide an excellent catering service for all members of our community including a breakfast, break time and lunch time service. Students are able to purchase food and drinks using their own card. I must bring to your attention the necessity to ensure that money is placed on to your child’s card in a timely fashion. We have had a number of occasions where children have not had money available on their dinner card in order to purchase a school meal. Of course, we will ensure that all children are provided with a meal or a drink, however it is important that their cards are ‘topped up’ as and when required and it is important that they bring their cards to school every day. If you are experiencing financial difficulties at the moment, please do not hesitate to contact the school as we will always provide, support, advice and guidance on an individual basis.
In terms of preparing for the upcoming mock examinations which will begin the week commencing 7th November (6th is an INSET day), I would like to commend the response from Year 11 students who were selected to take part in additional intervention sessions. Teachers have made many positive comments about their positive approach and demeanour during these lessons and it has been extremely heartening to witness the large numbers of children who have actively engaged with these vitally important sessions on a daily basis.
Our PE department coordinate and deliver a rich and varied programme of extra-curricular activities both during lunchtimes and after school. Once more, the number of children who are taking part in these events has increased significantly which not only supports their physical health but also helps to boost their mental health and well-being. The children are able to find out which activities are available via the student bulletin or the screens which are located around the school. Please do encourage your child to take part in an activity and of course our homework club is open to all students after school in the library.
Finally, as we prepare for Advent, we open our hearts and minds to celebrate this most wonderful season in the Liturgical calendar.
Thank you once again for your continuous support and I hope you are all having a restful and enjoyable half-term break.
My very best wishes to you all.
Yours sincerely,
Carlo Cuomo