Following the success of our anti-bullying competition, members of our Senior Leadership Team recently met with our Year 13 anti-bullying ambassadors to celebrate the fantastic work they have done over the last few years. All Saints’ has worked closely with the Diana Award to further strengthen our anti-bullying provision and our Year 13’s have played an instrumental role in this partnership. The Diana Award are a leading anti-bullying training provider who offer training, resources and guidance to schools. They also offer an opportunity to work towards a badge accreditation scheme, which enables schools to target work appropriately and receive recognition. In order to achieve each badge, schools must carry out specific actions to demonstrate a commitment and positive impact in each area. The four badges are: Online Safety, Wellbeing, Community Action and Respect. The anti-bullying team have worked incredibly hard over the last few years and as a result, we were recently extremely pleased to learn that we have now achieved all four badges!
We would like to express our thanks to Olivia, Lisette, Abbie, Callum and Madison. Your commitment and dedication to anti-bullying is greatly appreciated.