Safeguarding message
We wish you all a safe and relaxing Easter holiday.
School is now closed from the 29th March to the 14th April and school staff may not respond to emails or contact. Therefore, any immediate concerns should be reported to the relevant service (for example the Police or Children’s Services). However, the email is available for non-emergency concerns. This inbox will be checked intermittently by the safeguarding team during the break.
Below are some helpful websites and resources regarding safety and mental health.
Kooth is a website we direct students to if they want to talk about their feelings anonymously. Look at for support when it comes to speaking to your teen about their feelings.
NSPCC and Childline:
This is in case you have concerns that a child may be at risk of abuse or harm. Young people can also make those calls themselves to report concerns.
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).
If you have concerns about the welfare of a child you can make a referral to MASH. Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) | Nottinghamshire County Council
Online Safety:
The UK Safer Internet Centre provides support as to how to protect young people online on a range of devices.